Monday, December 30, 2019

Tiziano Vecellio Titian - 1133 Words

Tiziano Vecellio, known as Titian, was an Italian 16th century Venetian painter. Biographies were written when Titian was alive; however his birthday is still unknown. One account was written by a close friend of his, Lodovico Dolce who says in his book, â€Å"Dialogue on Painting† that Titian was about twenty years old in 1507 when he was working on his painting â€Å"Fondaco dei Tedeschi.† However, in a letter Titian wrote to the king of Spain in 1571 he claims to be ninety-five years old, putting his birth year in 1477. If this was true, Titian would have been around one-hundred years old at the time of his death. Based off of the chronology of his works, it is more likely that Titian was born around 1490 and died in 1576. When Titian†¦show more content†¦In addition to celebrating love and music, Venus is paused (don’t understand) from the music making to be crowned by Cupid, they have been thought to address the Neo-Platonic debate of seeing versus hearing as the primary means for perceiving beauty. Titian uses very rich, saturated colors in the painting. The painting shows Venus in the reclining nude position holding an instrument while her son Cupid is behind her placing a crown on her head. Venus is completely nude except for two bracelets, a necklace, and a small piece of cloth across her thigh. There is a cello next to her and a young man playing the lute while looking at her. There is a sense of movement created by the young man looking at Venus and Venus looking off into the distance. Venus’ body is one of the brightest parts of the painting drawing the viewer’s eye to her body and then to her face, which is looking out of the painting. Venus and the Lute Player was unfinished at the time of Titian’s death. In inventory of the Pio di Savoia collection the painting is described as a nude Venus, unfinished, half reclining with Cupid behind her in the act of putting a garland of flowers on her head. At her feet is a young man who plays the lute. He is wearing a velvet hat in the old style and a gilded sword at his side. Beyond is a landscape with some trees against one of which there is a figure that plays an instrument and othersShow MoreRelated Titian Essay1114 Words   |  5 PagesTitian No one knows exactly when the Italian artist, Tiziano Vecellio, was born. Over the centuries, there has been a great deal of confusion concerning the date, due to a misprint in his biography by sixteenth century art historian, Girgio Vasari. Vasari recorded the date as 1480, but the progress of Tiziano Vecellio’s work, as well as other documented sources, announce his date of birth to be sometime between 1488 and 1490. (Magill 2310) The place of his birth was Pieve de Cadore, in the AlpsRead MoreSan Velazquez : The Prince Of Painters1129 Words   |  5 Pagespreviously mentioned have one major influence in common and that is the masterful works of Tiziano Vecellio also known as Titian. He inspired many generations of artists. Titian’s history begins as a young apprentice in 16th century Italy. He was known as one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance. Born to Gregorio and Lucia Vecellio, he was the eldest of four children. His birth name was Tiziano Vecellio, born in Pieve di Cadore, Italy in 1488. During his teenage years he became an artist’sRead MoreVenus Of Urbino Analysis1510 Words   |  7 Pagessexual desire for the female nude body. Tiziano Vecellio, also known as Titian was an Italian painter, born sometime around 1488 and died around 1576. Titian was one of the furthermost important members of the sixteenth century Venetian school. Titian’s painting career was prosperous from the start but over the years his style changed drastically and he retained a lifelong interest in color, which is clear in his painting Venus of Urbino. Tiziano Vecellio started to paint Venus of Urbino sometimeRead MoreMetropolitan Museum of Art Critical/Research Paper2303 Words   |  10 PagesThis work of art measures about 42 inches x 52 1/2 inches (â€Å"Venus and Adonis; Titian...†). The art was created using oil paint, a medium composed of pigments and varying types of vegetable oils, such as poppy, bear-seed, walnut, and linseed oils (Frank 122). The painting was done on stretched canvas, and thus it gives the painting a slight textured quality. The technique in which Titian painted this work accounts for the soft appearance of the colors. It can be observed that the paint is very wellRead MoreAn Analysis of Titians Painting Venus with a Mirror1033 Words   |  4 Pagesmaster Titian (oil on canvas) in 1555. Currently Venus With A Mirror is in the National Gallery of Art in the Andrew W. Mellon Collection. The painting is 124.5 x 105.5 centimeters (49 x 41 x 9/16 inches). Titian Biography and Background The Italian master was born in 1477 in Pieve di Cadore, Italy and died August 27, 1576, in Venice, Italy. According to the Encyclopedia of World Biography (EWB) he was either born in 1477 or in 1488 (both dates are given). Reportedly Titian (Tiziano Vecellio wasRead MoreEssay on Earlier Works of Titian877 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"There is no greater name in Italian art—therefore, no greater in art—than that of Titian,† (Claude Phillips â€Å"Earlier Works of Titian†1897 page 5). This artist was more than just a normal painter that played around in his work studio; he was the father of what was bound to become something greater than he even believed. We watched him work with imaginative textures and animated colors to generate the masterpieces of not only the Renaissance; but also of modern day work. All kinds of artists—paintersRead MoreVenus And Adonis, By Tiziano Vecellio And Dates1379 Words   |  6 PagesVenus of adonis was painted by Tizian o Vecellio and dates back to A.D 1400-1600. He was one of the greatest italian renaissance painter and he was recognized as a great painter early in his life. He was a master of the oil medium and a supreme colorist. Many of his paintings represent either religion, antiquity and/or beauty. In his painting of Venus and Adonis it was inspired by a tale called Ovid’s Metamorphoses and therefore was called poetry in paint, also known as poesie (The MET). The paintingRead MoreEssay on Formal Analysis and Historical Context of Artwork1552 Words   |  7 Pagesgoddess of love, and Adonis, Venus’ mortal lover, as the focus for his work. Their story, originally told in Ovid’s Metamorphoses, begins with the struggle of love as Venus tries to stop Adonis from voyaging on his hunt by attempting to seduce him (â€Å"Titian†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Her struggle to keep him with her, because she knows of his fate, ends in tragedy as Adonis is killed by a wild boar. The scene that is depicted within the painting is Venus in the middle of restraining Adonis, with the help from her son CupidRead MoreThe Renaissance Period1577 Words   |  7 Pagesreligion and about what was going on in the past and present. Instead of focusing on just religious topics , sculptures and painting became more realistic showing feelings of people. One of the painters of the renaissance was Titian. Titians birth name was Tiziano Vecellio. He was the oldest of four sons. Titans place of birth was Cadore. His family was well know in the area and at times he was known as DaCadore. He was apprenticed to the studies of Gentile and Giovanni Dellini when he was twelveRead MoreThe Renaissance Period1592 Words   |  7 Pagesreligion and about what was going on in the past and present. Instead of focusing on just religious topics , sculptures and painting became more realistic showing feelings of people. One of the painters of the renaissance was Titian. Titians birth name was Tiziano Vecellio. He was the oldest of four sons. Titans place of birth was Cadore. His family was well know in the area and at times he was known as DaCadore. He was apprenticed to the studies of Gentile and Giovanni Dellini when he was twelve

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Personal Statement Marketing Management - 978 Words

Personal Statement My connection to marketing started when I was a child. My mother’s friend sold beauty products in gorgeous boxes, targeted at female customers in various age groups. Attracted by the exquisite designs and persuasive slogans, I hoped that one day I could come up with such creative marketing ideas. As I grew up, I gained a better understanding of marketing from my father, a corporate sales director. Through our conversations, I learned that while making a sale is undoubtedly important, establishing brand equity and customer loyalty is the ultimate goal. This can only be achieved through successful marketing. Such recognition sparked my interest in exploring the field of marketing, and the real-world experience I’ve gained since then has only strengthened my desire to pursue a marketing career. Admission to ICL’s Strategic Marketing program is a natural next step in my preparation. While pursuing a major in public administration for undergraduate study, I have gained intensive training on data analysis by applying quantitative methods in core courses such as Applied Statistics, Public Policy Analysis, and Operations Research. I have also taken a double major in economics to cultivate my economic thinking. I’ve selected marketing-related courses to acquire basic marketing knowledge. I learned the marketing theory of 4Ps and applied it to analyse MUJI’s marketing strategy in a group project during a summer program at the University of Hong Kong. Through aShow MoreRelatedHow Effective Marketing, Financial and Human Resource Management Activities Could Be Expected to Contribute to Fitness Firsts Success.1496 Words   |  6 PagesThis essay will be examining how Fitness First uses marketing, finance and human resource management to continually be an effective and sustainable sports organisation. Fitness First is the largest gym, health and fitness gro up in the world with more than 1.5 million members and over 550 fitness clubs. (, 2009) The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines marketing as â€Å"†¦the management process which identifies, anticipates and supplies customer requirements efficientlyRead MoreMarketing Plan For Product And The Managers1211 Words   |  5 PagesSecond, marketing helps the business find out customer needs, use different selling plan to improve the sale of the goods or services and then satisfy the needs. Marketing design the plan for the product and the managers can follow the four condition, product, price, place and promotion, means the 4Ps of marketing, to decide the final plan. Understanding the customer needs are important in marketing. Because different type of customers have different needs. Then, customer always be the main focusRead MoreBuisness Plan757 Words   |  4 Pagesfollowing department: sales, marketing, accounting, purchasing or procurement, and administrative department. The sales unit is the backbone of the company and will oversee the sales of the products. The organization of the sales department is based on the organizational structure of the company. The sales personnel will be educated on the description of the organization to gain a clear idea, not only of the interrelation of unit’s divisions and subdivision, but the personal points of contact with themselvesRead MoreMary Kay Case Analysis Essay example1272 Words   |  6 Pagesline included items such as skin creams, cosmetics, fragrances and other personal care products. From 1963 through the 1990s, this direct sales force primarily made up the distribution channel. In the case of Mary Kay, the direct sales force was the distributors and consumers. Thus, the direct sales force bought and then sold the products through a social network. This type of direct selling is called a network marketing organization (NMO). In this NMO, the distributors were responsible forRead MoreHow to Write a Supporting Statement1268 Words   |  6 Pagessupporting statements and person al statements Applications – the basics (Givens: to really take seriously, work on a photocopy/sheet of paper first, keep a copy of what has been sent, complete in black biro) †¢ Do not scatter-gun. Decide on a direction and stick at it. †¢ Put in your best effort – they WILL notice if you don’t. †¢ ‘Full’ or ‘complete’ details means what it says. Where it doesn’t, you may have licence to pick and choose. †¢ Personal/supportingRead MoreDesigning A Multi Billion Dollars Outdoor Recreational Empire1435 Words   |  6 Pagesin Sporting Classics magazine prestigious Awards of Excellence. Cabela’s employees named the company one of the Top 100 Companies to Work For in Fortune magazine’s January 2000 issue (Cabela s, 2016).† Vision, Mission, and Values Statements â€Å"Cabela’s Mission Statement is as the World’s Foremost Outfitter, we are dedicated to providing safe products of exceptional quality to our customers (Cabela’s, n.d.).† â€Å"Cabela’s strategic positioning incorporates five focal points as Cabela’s â€Å"Focuses on theRead MoreManagement of Company Beldeco Ltd1355 Words   |  6 PagesManagement of Company BelDeco Ltd. Submitted by: Name: Niger sultana Student ID:61222-15-009 Semester: Summer 2012 Course : EMIS – 502(Principle of Management) Course Teacher: Mohammad Moqbul Hossain Bhuiyan Professor Department of Management Information System University of Dhaka Date: 21 July, 2012 INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPANY BelDeco has been associated with the glass ware, ceramic ware and enamel ware industries since 1905. Initially, the business was wholesaling of drink wareRead MoreDiscuss the Management Problems Facing Multinational Companies and Companies with an International Dimension in Various Parts of the World1418 Words   |  6 Pagestastes and value standards. These factors impact on every part of management in multinational companies, especially on marketing management, human resource management and alliances management. Thus, multinational companies have to consider the cross culture issues when they run multinational business. Marketing management Different national culture causes different consume behaviors. According to Gogel and Larreche (1991), marketing across cultures is a complex process of balancing resources andRead MoreApple Inc. Strategy Formulation1720 Words   |  7 PagesStrategic and Marketing Plan of Apple Inc, Which is the biggest consumer electronics provider in the world. It provides wide range of consumer electronics in the market like MAC computers, IPOD, I Phone, LAPTOP, IPAD. It has about 49,400 employs and over 240 Retails Store all around the world wide out of it 218 are in US and 24 in UK rest in other countries. I personally think that before studying the strategy of any organization we need to understand the basic of Strategic Management like What StrategicRead MoreSop for Design Management1004 Words   |  5 PagesStatement of Purpose In writing my personal statement, I have come to find that the entire process is actually a process of introspection and summarizing, and conducting deep reflections on the course of my life over the past ten years. In the high school, I accidentally came across a book about branding and retail management that triggered my vague interest in marketing communication and management. In retrospect, it was precisely this vague notion that developed into a strong desire, an unshakable

Friday, December 13, 2019

A day with the president Free Essays

You may choose a fictional or real person. You may choose someone you know personally or a figure in history. You may choose a modern day celebrity. We will write a custom essay sample on A day with the president or any similar topic only for you Order Now You may not choose a close friend or your parents. Place: You may choose a fictional or real place. It can be someplace that you have visited or would like to visit. You may not choose Langley High School, the beach, a vacation home, or your own bedroom. Thing: You may not choose a piece of Jewelry, an electronic device, or a car. Idea: You ay not choose the idea of success or the idea of love or hate. Event: You may not choose your graduation day or your wedding day. You may not choose the day of your birth. Introduction: Hook: The introduction must begin with a quotation that is important to you. You must give credit to the speaker (As my grandfather always says, Transition or Background Sentence: Your background or transition sentences must connect the hook to the thesis. There should be 4-5 of them. Thesis statement: This is the claim entence for your entire essay. It must include the three body paragraph topics in the order that you intend to present them. Body Paragraphs: You will choose three of the topics which you have gathered information about. You will write one paragraph about each topic. The first body paragraph will be significantly weaker than the third body paragraph. Conclusion: Your conclusion will be one of the topics that you did not cover in the body or it can be on the future you envision for yourself. Specifics: Prewriting due date: Peer review draft due date: Final draft due date: Paragraph length: Introduction: 8-10 sentences Body One: 8-10 sentences Body Two: 10-12 sentences Body Three: 12-15 sentences Conclusion: 8-10 sentences This is an informal essay. You may use contractions and personal pronouns. Please do not refer to yourself as â€Å"we† however. Please fill out this space with words you look up from a thesaurus to broaden your use of â€Å"influence† or â€Å"change. † This will be due on the same day as your prewriting. How to cite A day with the president, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Times They Are A-Changin’ Historical Analysis free essay sample

Change has been present throughout the history of time. The lyrical ballad The Times They Are A-Changin' was written by Bob Dylan in the 1960s, a time in which there was a major shift in political and social reform. Dylan, who was actually born as Robert Allen Zimmerman took on the role of the folksinger-songwriter of the protest movement, after writing The Times They Are A-Changin. This lyrical ballad established Dylan as the ultimate songwriter of the 60s protest movement. Not only did he emerge as one of the most original and poetic voices of American popular music, â€Å"Bob Dylan has recently been described by Newsweek critic David Gates as ‘the most influential cultural figure now alive. ’† (Santa) In his lyrical ballad, Dylan illustrates the historical events and changes in the 1960s. From the beginning of the ballad to the end there is a reoccurring line, for the times they are a-changin' (11, 22, 33, 44, 55) The 1960’s like any era was a time of change for many people. In the first stanza Dylan uses water to portray the changes that have occurred. And admit that the waters around you have grown,† (lines 3-4) which represents that a change has already taken place. Since the â€Å"water has grown new ideas and thoughts have been added to the old. Change should be accepted. Youll be drenched to the bone, (6) because it will be prevalent all around. Dylan suggests if time and success are important then you better start swimmin or youll sink like a stone, (lines 9-10) meaning learn the new or get left behind with the old. Dylan invites the media, come writers and critics who prophesize with your pen,(lines 12-13) and challenges them to be real journalists by publicizing the truth. The next four lines of the ballad consist of instructions for those particular journalists. He advises that they should pay attention, And keep your eyes wide(14). He also warns them not to make quick judgments for the change is still in progress. And dont speak too soon for the wheels are still in spin(lines 16-17). The metaphoric wheel is still spinning because a final decision has not yet been declared. The motion of the wheel infers that there are changes that are still being made. In accordance to the 1960’s, these changes are about the civil rights movement, treatment of minorities, and the ideologies from the new generation. In the third stanza Dylan addresses the government officials. He urges them to pay careful attention to the evolution of society. â€Å"Don’t stand in the doorway don’t block up the hall,†(lines 25-26) are lines referring to when Alabama Governor George Wallace blocked the entrance of the University of Alabama from two African American students in 1963. As stated in the first stanza change should be accepted. If one does not change, they will get hurt. â€Å"There’s a battle outside and it’s ragin’,† (lines 29-30) is directing the attention towards the battle of races. In this time period there was a lot of tension between â€Å"white† and â€Å"black† Americans. Many â€Å"whites† were against the progression of African Americans. Dylan expresses that these tensions will be so high that they will be unavoidable. In the fourth stanza Dylan targets the parents of the new generation. With a new generation come new ideas and new perspectives. He tells the parents not to criticize the beliefs of the future generation. â€Å"In the mid-to-late 1960s, there occurred a major schism in the movement between those who favored integration and those younger people who had abandoned the principles of the early movement in favor of nationalism, separatism, communism, socialism—in other words, for a multiplicity of ideologies†(Gillespie). Most of the older generation did not care much for change and progression. On the other hand, the younger generation was carving out future plans. Some pushed for integration while others scoffed at the idea. The younger generation was ready for a change and no one would be able to stop them. The older mentality and ideology would soon fade away. Dylan pleads, â€Å"Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend a hand,† (lines 42-43) meaning if one isn’t willing to stand, protest and fight for what is right they should move aside. The final stanza states that it is too late to stop the change. Like fate, whatever is supposed to happen will indeed happen. â€Å"The line is drawn,† (45) meaning that change is present and already set. The line â€Å"The curse it is cast,† (46) means that it cannot be taken back. It must run its course until the superior outcome has been reached. When Dylan mentions the â€Å"slow ones† he is speaking about African Americans and any other minority. Three times throughout the lyrical ballad he mentions a notion that the ones in the end will come out on top. â€Å"For the loser now will be later to win,† (lines 20-21) â€Å"The slow one now will later be fast,† (lines 47-48) â€Å"And the first one now will later be last,† (lines 53-54) are all lines that prove this notion. Dylan confidently states that the ones in the end will prevail. He suggests that there will be a day when African American men, women and children will all be treated equally. This inequality and unfair treatment of minorities would soon be in the past because the times are changing. Since Dylan did not use specific examples in his lyrics, they can be related to any time period in history. However it is clear that the events that occurred in the 1960’s are able to fit well into the ballad. Change is so prevalent this ballad can be applied even in today’s fast paced world. With his reoccurring line Dylan repeats to the audience that the times are changing. He is reminding the listeners that one day the ones who are behind will emerge as victors. â€Å"The struggle for civil rights in America centers on the notion that no one in a society is free until everyone in it is free† (Watts). For a society in the 1960s to be free, a change had to be made which would allow minorities to be equal. The whole ballad focuses on a change for a better, stronger, and united future.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

God Grew Tired of Us

Introduction The title of the film â€Å"God Grew Tired of Us† is rather succinctly used by the film maker in order to help audiences understand the plight of the 3 main characters in the movie and how it relates to the greater theme of the plight of people throughout Africa and the Third World.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on God Grew Tired of Us specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Poverty, as the movie shows, is one of the causes of global conflicts wherein countries, states and various groups continue to fight over increasingly decreasingly resources as people all around them starve to death. It is due to this that it can be assumed that the main reason the film was created was to help create sufficient impetus so as to enact changes to prevent poverty and war through concerted global action. Examining the Movie The movie itself shows a rather strange form of symbolism wherein two contrasts are given to au diences, the first being a world of starvation, pain, hopeless and nothingness as shown by the plight of the 3 boys as they escape from Ethiopia and one filled with intensity, food, abundance and opportunity symbolized by America. It is through this unique contrast that audiences get an understanding on how grossly lopsided the world truly is wherein it can be seen in two extremes namely extreme poverty and extreme wealth, poverty and starvation, and finally opportunity and hopelessness. It is only after realizing these extremes from watching the film that people begin to understand that with these lopsided concentrations currently pervading global society wouldn’t it be a rather simple process of merely sharing the wealth in order to help other people throughout the world? While this question is suggested in numerous themes and instances in the story such as the decision of the boys to help those left behind in the refugee camp on Kakuma a solution is never truly presented b y the movie itself. It could be assumed that a possible solution is left to the viewers that the reason why the film was even made in the first place was to have them understand the problems facing numerous individuals in countries around the world and let them make their own decisions as to what must be done. Understanding the Journey of the 3 Boys What must be understood is that the journey undertaken by the 3 boys in the story in unique due to the mere fact that it chronicles lives placed under turmoil in such a succinct manner that audiences cannot help but be concerned about the boys through the film.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Death and destruction seems to pervade the various environments the boys go through yet they continue to march forward inextricably drawn towards the potential for a peaceful life somewhere. The film shows how people become fast friends as a resu lt of hardship, that families are created not as a result of blood but joint experiences and suffering and that in the end hoping and acting on a better life will actually bring about such a life in the end. Conclusion The message of the movie is clear; people are suffering around the world due to a lack in resources while there are countries around the world rich enough to help. As such what is needed is a concerted effort in order to ensure that people in places affected by war and starvation are given the proper kind of help so as to ensure that the situation the four boys found themselves is never seen again. This essay on God Grew Tired of Us was written and submitted by user Thunderball to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Abortion in Society essays

Abortion in Society essays We live in a nation built on the idea of freedom, freedom of choice and freedom of expression, yet we are not free. Abortion is an ever-present choice that every woman should and does have, not based on ones financial situation, cultural background or even age; its a choice that every woman has the right to. There are too many children being abandoned and given up for adoption every day and there should be some responsibility for ones actions, the children should not have to suffer for their parents faults. An abortion is a right as an individual, the right to decide what happens with ones body and the freedom to chose their own future. Abortion is a womans right and choice. In 1973 Roe vs. Wade was a landmark trail, which led to the legalization in all states for a woman to have an abortion. It is also the womans right to privacy with this abortion, because without legal abortion women would be denied their constitutional right of privacy and liberty. If abortion were illegal it would force poor women to bear and raise children they can't afford to bring up. There would be a number of unsafe abortions in back allies, causing harm to both the baby and the mother. It would also force women to give up their dreams and stay home to bring up babies. Worst of all, it would condemn victims to rape and incest to carry and nurture the offspring of their rapist. Who would stand for something that would allow this to happen? Women shouldnt feel scared to have an abortion either. They should have to think about what is going to happen to them as they try to get an abortion, yet they do because they are picketing people outside harassing them. Some of the activists actually take it to extremes, such as bombing abortion clinics. Why would someone who believes in pro-life want to kill someone? Woman are born with rights, right to privacy and the...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Leadership - Essay Example As mentioned above, schools obviously function as an open system, taking input from the environment, putting it through a transformative process and producing the changed product back into the environment. The second major frameworks schools function in is rational. A rational system is a system which attempts to achieve a specific goal with maximum efficiency. Though schools have a wide variety of goals, they are often very specific: they want to educate students to the point that they meet required standards (whether the standards are set by a school board, an accredited body, or the school itself). They seek to give students a balanced life, by providing access to education (in the form of physical education classes) and food along with academic pursuits. So clearly schools meet the first part of the definition of a rational system: they have specific goals. Schools also try to meet these goals in as efficient methods as possible; they employ teachers with enough experience to cov er multiple subject areas (such as physical education and another subject), they try to economize by using textbooks which will not become outdated quickly or can be used for multiple classes. So clearly they meet the second definition of a rational system.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discuss why you wish to pursue a career in Nursing and two most Essay

Discuss why you wish to pursue a career in Nursing and two most challenging issues facing Nursing practice today and why - Essay Example Nursing career In the continuously modernizing world and growing body of knowledge, it is not new that there is a shortage of nurses, and that this dilemma is constantly being pursued upon for solutions. The personal choice of taking nursing as a career is inspired by the need to answer to the call of health care delivery. Presently, the health care delivery system desires providers who could meet the needs of the client while taking into consideration his or her wholeness, and not merely the physical aspect focused on by medicine. Undeniably, this could be satisfied by competent nurses. Nursing is full of career opportunities. One may decide to be involved in a specific area, whether in nursing education, administration, community, or clinical practice, or participate in several areas at the same time. Trending career opportunities nowadays also involve nursing informatics and nursing research. Despite these diversities, the goal of nursing to provide care is still the backbone of t he profession. Challenges in Nursing The idea that change is inevitable implies that the continuous evolution of the world also poses challenges to society, including the field of nursing. Nursing leaders play essential roles in the performance of their staff.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Methodology paper for PHD research, the proposal is ready but the Essay

Methodology paper for PHD research, the proposal is ready but the methodology needs to be amended - Essay Example As the Gulf countries traded with the world, they have gained both capital and expertise to go beyond the passive investments that have dominated the flow of capital in the region in the past. Legrenzi and Momani have pointed this out, arguing that the profits accumulated from the years of stable and high oil prices have enabled the GCC states to have a wider range of investment choices. (p20) A parallel development is the perception that BITs have or will create a special limb of international customary law. (Dolzer and Schreuer, 2008, p2) It has been argued for the most part that BITs have evolved to such an extent that they have their own unique regulatory laws within the wider scope of international commercial laws. (Dolzer and Schreuer, p2) This expectation led to the favorable attitude on BITs. Sornarajah, however, raised an interesting point warranting further exploration and research. According to him, the fact that there has been an increase in BITs for some time and no lega l standards has been established as yet should already demonstrate how these treaties have not been able to create the â€Å"customary principles of international law† for protecting the movement of foreign capital. ... Oil prices, for its part, has now become relatively impervious of late as the highly integrated international system become more and more strict in addition to how the world is scrambling to tap alternative energy sources. Therefore, the need for BIT regulation is underscored. Aside from intelligent investment decisions, the GCC member-states have used regulatory mechanisms to control international capital movement especially concerning the BITs in a bid to prevent and mitigate risks and threats. This paper will explore this theme. The aim is to outline the current capital movement landscape, identify the regulatory mechanisms that govern it (i.e. statutes, treaties, etc.) and assess their strengths, failures, points of opportunities and challenges. 2. SOURCES AND DATA ANALYSIS This research uses several approaches within the qualitative method of inquiry. The sources of the information, hence, are composed of both primary and secondary data, which will often be referenced in order t o outline specific cases and important statutes that govern BITs. These sources can include academic journals as well as other texts published on the subject (i.e. published dissertations and news reports), Internet sources in addition to data available from corporate websites among other documents released and published by organizations, individuals and documents from the GCC governments and their agencies. Relevant information from international organizations will also be used. In addition, this study will also conduct interviews on selected resource persons, which could be composed of legal luminaries, specializing in the GCC jurisprudence, investors, policymakers and other stakeholders that are authoritative in discussing the GCC BIT subject. The number of these resources would

Friday, November 15, 2019

Designing of a 4 Bit Transmission System Using Lasers

Designing of a 4 Bit Transmission System Using Lasers Title: Laser Communication System Abstract: Communication is a common need. But there are places where wired and frequency wave communication is not possible. Laser as a new form of communication can communicate over those barriers. This paper deals with designing of a 4 bit transmission system using Laser. This is faster and cheaper communication medium. Laser light has higher intensity, efficiency, as well as better visibility and performance quality. It provides a much simpler communication system and reducing the complex wiring. Introduction: Communication is an inseparable part of our life. Search for new mediums of communication is an eternal search that is seen in human history. Newer forms of communication solve the constraints of traditional forms of communication. Today, communication demands more bandwidth allocation, power requirement, accuracy and security in everywhere in everyplace. World needs sufficient mediums to communicate solving the hurdles. As a communication medium wired communication, optical fiber communication, wireless communication over radio frequency has been established so far. A new form of communication medium like laser communication can bring a new era of communication technology where these communication mediums have limitations. Laser communication system do not need wire like wired and optical also do not need licensed frequency channel like RF. This communication is reliable, economic, and speedy can replace wireless, fiber optic communication. Laser communication is interesting and important as it can be used in general as well as for confidential data transmission even for inters building communication like in office or in a conference room. Laser is attractive in a sense that it has features like worldwide availability, unlicensed bandwidth, non-interference with radio bands. Introducing laser communication is not that easy. In the past data were converted into analog waves but the new communication form will have different way of sending data likewise laser communication converts data into laser light. Many researches have been conducted over this topic. Most of the laser communication research was done on earth station and outer space satellites. Other researches done on laser based communication are either costly or inefficient. So there remains scope and need for further research. This paper shows a system that can send data over laser beam using a simpler and cheap circuit. Numerical data from 0-9 mapped into 4 bit binary and send over laser beam which taking as a base can send all computer data over laser. This paper did not conducted research on the laser directionality. No solution is given on the correct positioning of the laser beam. In the next section, related works and then Laser communication system providing components, transmitter and receiver design, constraints and future work can be found. Finally, Section 4 summarizes contributions. 2. Laser Communication System: A laser communication system requires a Transmitter and a Receiver. For better performance 4 laser torch is used so the system can give send and receive 4 parallel bit. These increases speeds by 4X. For demonstration purpose two transmitter and receiver circuit is given. The first transmitter and receiver coded numeric number 0-9 manually and in second transmitter and receiver used encoder and decoder. 2.1 Components: Laser Torch: A process of optical amplification is used in laser to emit light based on the stimulated of photons. It is highly directed beam/intense light and power efficient. Resistors: It restricts the flow of current. It is used to restrict excessive power from destroying the laser torch. Voltage Source: It provides voltage difference. Power source of the circuit. Buttons: Enables and restrict power flow. It is used to represent number 0-9. LED bulb: Glows when power is supplied. Used to show output. Encoder: Converts decimal to binary. Decoder: Converts binary to decimal. Photodiode: This device provides current flow if gets hit by a light beam. Used to detect laser beam. 2.2 Transmitter Design: The first transmitter circuit requires a 1 voltage source, buttons 0 – 9, 4 resistor, 5 4input OR gate, 1 2input OR gate and 4 lasers. Button 0-9 represents numeric 0-9. The input 0-9 mapped as the figure below. To construct circuit for the mapped input the equation user is: Laser 1 = 1 (OR) 5 (OR) 8 (OR) 0 = 1 + 5 + 8 + 0 Laser 2 = 2 (OR) 6 (OR) 9 (OR) 0 = 2 + 6 + 9 + 0 Laser 3 = 3 (OR) 7 (OR) 8 (OR) 9 (OR) 0 = 3 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 0 Laser 4 = 4 (OR) 5 (OR) 6 (OR) 7 (OR) 8 (OR) 9 (OR) 0 = 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 0 The constructed circuit is given below. T1 The input can also be through by using an encoder. The second transmitter circuit requires 1 voltage source, 4 Resistor, 4bit encoder, buttons 0-9 and 4 lasers. The constructed circuit is given below. T2 2.3 Receiver Design: The first receiver for the first transmitter requires 1 voltage source, 4 photodiode, 4 NOT gate, 4 resistor, 3 2input AND gate, 7 4input AND gate and 10 led. The input of 4 photodiode mapped into 0-9 led representing numerical 0-9 like below. To construct circuit for the mapped input the equation user is: Led 1 = Laser 1 (AND) Laser 4’ = 1 * 4’ Led 2 = Laser 2 (AND) Laser 4’ = 2 * 4’ Led 3 = Laser 3 (AND) Laser 4’ = 3 * 4’ Led 4 = Laser 1’ (AND) Laser 2’ (AND) Laser 3’ (AND) Laser 4 = 1’ * 2’ * 3’ * 4 Led 5 = Laser 1 (AND) Laser 2’ (AND) Laser 3’ (AND) Laser 4 = 1 * 2’ * 3’ * 4 Led 6 = Laser 1’ (AND) Laser 2 (AND) Laser 3’ (AND) Laser 4 = 1’ * 2 * 3’ * 4 Led 7 = Laser 1’ (AND) Laser 2’ (AND) Laser 3 (AND) Laser 4 = 1’ * 2’ * 3 * 4 Led 8 = Laser 1 (AND) Laser 2’ (AND) Laser 3 (AND) Laser 4 = 1 * 2’ * 3 * 4 Led 9 = Laser 1’ (AND) Laser 2 (AND) Laser 3 (AND) Laser 4 = 1’ * 2 * 3 * 4 Led 0 = Laser 1 (AND) Laser 2 (AND) Laser 3 (AND) Laser 4 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 The constructed circuit is given below. R1 The second receiver 2nd transmitter circuit requires 1 voltage source, 4 photodiode, 10bit decoder, 10 resistor and 10 led. The constructed circuit is given below. R2 2.4 Constraints: The factors such as beam dispersion, background light, shadowing, rain, fog, snow, pollution, smog causes an attenuated received signal and lead to higher bit error rates. For longer distance communication high power laser is required which is costly. The laser and photodiode position have to be correct which gets difficult with longer distance. 2.5 Future work: To provided data computer or any smart device is a remarkable source. Microcontroller will make it more sophisticated. 4 bit data transfer through 4 lasers with TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) can give a super speed and reliability. Improved design of this system can be used to transmit confidential data over long distance with more powered lasers. 3. Related work: 4. Conclusion: We explored the use of light based carriers for transfer of information. This paper emphasis on the study of laser as a communication medium. Upon study a newer form of communication medium like wireless, optical fiber etc can be established. Laser Torch Based Transmission and Reception are cheaper and simpler in construction. Blue-Tooth can also be used for transmission and Reception purpose, but its range is small compared with their price. 5. References:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

El Nino and its Impact on Coral Reefs :: Geology

El Nino and its Impact on Coral Reefs Introduction When individuals think of El Nino, they think of heavy wind, heavy rain, and the hot and cold temperatures in the wrong seasons. However, El Nino impacts are more than on humans and their surroundings. El Nino impacts the sea as well. The changes El Nino brings to our weather brings changes to ocean temperature. Changes in the ocean impact all forms of life in the ocean. It brings changes to fishes (affecting migration patterns), changes to aquatic vegetation growth, changes in the rest of the food chain , and most importantly changes (even death) to coral reefs. Coral reefs are more than collectable items, but they are a source of food, shelter and protection for most fishes and other forms of life in the ocean. During El Nino, coral reefs are damaged by the change of temperature. This leaves fishes homeless and in danger. What is El Nino El Nino is a disruption of the ocean off the coast of South America. El Nino starts when all the cold water on the bottom of the ocean does not come up to the surface because the trade winds blow differently during El Nino years. Instead, the warm water stays on top and becomes overheated. Then the water warms the jet streams, as well as sending more moisture into the air. El Nino has many important consequences for all the weather around the globe. For example, Illinois might be warm during its winter, and Brazil might be cold during its summer. Rainfall follows the warm water eastward. This is associated with flooding in Peru and droughts occurring in Australia. This kind of weather change is caused by El Nino. An El Nino may occur every three to seven years . It begins with a change in the trade winds. El Nino can last from a few months up to two years . It can be predicted a year before it happens. The warming of the ocean water begins in the Pacific and moves towards the coas t of South America. During a period of time that may last a year. A full blown El Nino starts in early December. El Nino effects continue for many months. (El Nino Theme Page, 1996). History No one knows exactly when the El Nino occurred, but ice core records from the Andes in Peru suggest these climate fluctuations have been part of Earth's weather cycle for El Nino and its Impact on Coral Reefs :: Geology El Nino and its Impact on Coral Reefs Introduction When individuals think of El Nino, they think of heavy wind, heavy rain, and the hot and cold temperatures in the wrong seasons. However, El Nino impacts are more than on humans and their surroundings. El Nino impacts the sea as well. The changes El Nino brings to our weather brings changes to ocean temperature. Changes in the ocean impact all forms of life in the ocean. It brings changes to fishes (affecting migration patterns), changes to aquatic vegetation growth, changes in the rest of the food chain , and most importantly changes (even death) to coral reefs. Coral reefs are more than collectable items, but they are a source of food, shelter and protection for most fishes and other forms of life in the ocean. During El Nino, coral reefs are damaged by the change of temperature. This leaves fishes homeless and in danger. What is El Nino El Nino is a disruption of the ocean off the coast of South America. El Nino starts when all the cold water on the bottom of the ocean does not come up to the surface because the trade winds blow differently during El Nino years. Instead, the warm water stays on top and becomes overheated. Then the water warms the jet streams, as well as sending more moisture into the air. El Nino has many important consequences for all the weather around the globe. For example, Illinois might be warm during its winter, and Brazil might be cold during its summer. Rainfall follows the warm water eastward. This is associated with flooding in Peru and droughts occurring in Australia. This kind of weather change is caused by El Nino. An El Nino may occur every three to seven years . It begins with a change in the trade winds. El Nino can last from a few months up to two years . It can be predicted a year before it happens. The warming of the ocean water begins in the Pacific and moves towards the coas t of South America. During a period of time that may last a year. A full blown El Nino starts in early December. El Nino effects continue for many months. (El Nino Theme Page, 1996). History No one knows exactly when the El Nino occurred, but ice core records from the Andes in Peru suggest these climate fluctuations have been part of Earth's weather cycle for